

The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of our Webinar series, a new way for the OAI community to engage with the OAI team.

Every two months, architects and engineers from the OAI team as well as those from the wider OAI community will speak on different topics covering ongoing work in one of the three project groups: RANCore Network, and MOSAIC5G.

We shall announce the webinars on our mailing lists and social networks. This page will contain the archived webinar videos for those in the community who may want to catch up later.

Open Source & Open RAN 5G Networks: Research, Test, Deployment

Agenda: 1) Welcome and introduction 2) Open Source in 5G, the way to accelerate telecom innovation 3) Demonstration of a simple &...

Combining NWDAF and ML for Abnormal Traffic Detection in Beyond 5G

Abstract:  In this webinar, we will explore the microservices-based architecture of OAI NWDAF in the 5G Core Network. We will focus on...

The New YAML-based OAI 5GC Configuration – Demonstration And Design Decisions

Abstract: Configuring a 5G Core Network (5GC) is a complicated task. While we always tried to keep the OAI 5GC configuration as simple...

Aerial Research Cloud: OpenAirInterface with Inline Layer 1 Acceleration

Abstract: The Aerial Research Cloud integrates the OpenAirInterface Layer 2 with the NVIDIA Layer 1 inline acceleration powered by NVIDIA GPUs and...

OAIBOX: OpenAirInterface for 5G research and education in a box

Abstract: The OAIBOX is a plug-and-play 5G test solution based on OpenAirInterface. It has a cloud-based Dashboard for real-time monitoring and control of...

FlexRIC Tutorial: xApp Development

Project Group: MOSAIC5G Date: 2023/01/31 Schedule: from 14:00 to 15:00 CET Place: Zoom (This webinar is a virtual event) Abstract: Open RAN...

Introduction to 5G RAN PHY Simulators in OpenAirInterface

Project Group: OAI 5G RAN Date: 2022/05/31 Schedule: from 14:00 to 15:00 CET Place: Zoom (This webinar is a virtual event) Speaker:...

End-to-End OAI 5G accelerated by the Xilinx T1 Telco card

Subject: End-to-End OAI 5G accelerated by the Xilinx T1 Telco card   Project Group: OAI 5G RAN Date: 2022/03/29 Schedule: from 14:00 to...

A Walk through 3GPP Core Network Specifications

Subject: A Walk through 3GPP Core Network Specifications Project Group: OAI 5G Core Network Date: 2022/02/21 Schedule: from 13:00 to 14:00 CET...

Configuration Files and Linux Threading in the OAI RAN Code

Subject: Configuration Files and Linux Threading in the OAI RAN Code Project Group: OAI 5G RAN Date: 01/18/2022 Schedule: from 13:00 to...