Dear OpenAirInterface Community,

We are pleased to announce the Summer 2021 Virtual Workshop  on June 24th, 2021 from 4:00PM-8:00PM Central European Time (10:00AM-02:00PM US Eastern Time).

The November 2020 event saw us define the path for the delivery of the OAI 5G RAN and CORE NETWORK. Today, we  are proud to showcase the demos of the 5G NSA and SA RAN stacks as well as the 5G CN we have delivered over the last six months.  The workshop will also introduce the MOSAIC5G PROJECT GROUP recently launched at the OSA  and show its initial outputs that comprise the near-RT RIC integration with OAI.

OpenAirInterface, thanks to your contributions, continues to rapidly grow and confirm its position as the leading open 5G software. The workshop will be a great opportunity to  share the next milestones with our community.

Please visit the workshop page for the program information as well as the registration and logistics.

Looking forward to your participation,

The OSA Team*