
Here are the steps for making any contributions to the software including new features, bug-fixes or patches:

1. Sign the Contributor’s Agreement: Read the OpenAirInterfaceTM (OAI) Licensing Model and check which software package you will contribute to. The RAN and OAI Core Network are distributed under different licenses. Sign the corresponding Individual Contributor License Agreement(s) (ICLA) or Corporate Contributor License Agreement(s) (CCLA) on behalf of your company (check with your legal department). The signed licenses must be signed, scanned and sent to our team at contact@openairinterface.org. We shall come back to you within 1 working day.
2. Create an account on GITLAB for RAN project (or GITHUB for Core Network project) and send an email to contact@openairinterface.org with subject: [Add to OAI repository] to be added to the repository.
3. If you wish to contribute to the OAI documentation on GITLAB wiki or GITHUB wiki , then please email contact@openairinterface.org to request for account access.
4. Follow the branch creation, coding, and merge guidelines and GITLAB/GITHUB workflow here.
.5. Developers’ meetings are held weekly through WEBEX to track progress of OAI code development. Write to us at contact@openairinterface.org to join the meeting.