The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance is pleased to open 2020 with the exciting announcement that Qualcomm Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, has joined the Strategic Board of the Alliance.

It goes without saying that the Alliance could not have started the new year in more remarkable fashion! Qualcomm Technologies is one of the leading technology companies in the world and has been innovating the telecommunications industry for many years. The Alliance believes that the support of Qualcomm Technologies for OpenAirInterface (OAI) is a strong testimony of the positive impact that OAI can make on 4G/5G technologies.

There are many areas where Qualcomm Technologies and the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance have strong synergies. We, at the Alliance, anticipate that this year we will be making great achievements in OpenAirInterface open source which will have significant positive impacts on developments of 5G technologies. With the help of our Strategic Members, particularly with Qualcomm Technologies, we will continue to promote the development of high-quality open source code that can be used by many organizations for proof of concept of their technology. We also believe that Qualcomm Technologies’ support of the Alliance is a strong message to the open source world of the strength of OAI Public License V1.1 and its importance in open source for the wireless cellular technology.

Qualcomm Technologies strongly supports industry efforts to create high-quality open source code to advance the multi-vendor adoption and deployment of 5G technologies, based on standards from 3GPP, the O-RAN Alliance, the Small Cell Forum, and other organizations,” said Qualcomm Technologies’ Ed Tiedemann, senior vice president, engineering. “The OpenAirInterface Alliance is well positioned to meet these complex challenges due to their excellent OAI Public License v1.1 and the breadth and depth of the OAI open source code base.

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