3rd OpenAirInterface workshop

The workshop will brings together users and developers of OpenAirInterface from both academia and industry. The goal is to share the latest developments from the community to the community.

Date: 27.-29 April 2017

Location: BUPT, Beijing (PRC).


A detailed agenda with all presentations can be found here.

Thursday, 27.4.2017
OAI training
Friday, 28.4.2017
Session 1: CRAN + Softwarization
Session 2: 5G UE
Saturday, 29.4.2017
Session 3: NB-IoT/eMTC
Session 4: OAI + Open5G

Call for contributions

The 4 sessions are open for contributions from the community. Whether you are already using OAI or are planning to contribute in the future, we would like to hear from you. Please send us an email with a title, authors, and a short abstract of your proposed presentation. Please also include which alliance project is concerned, or, if a new project should be created.

Training sessions

We are also investigating the possibility of another training session. If you are interested in a training, please let us know.

Local information and Registration

Please follow this link. For registration you can follow this link directly.